"Together we teach!"
The award was presented by Zita Horváth, Deputy State Secretary responsible for higher education, and Peter Tordai, Executive Director of the Tempus Foundation, at the Conference on Trends and Challenges in the Internationalisation of Higher Education held on 10thOctober 2017. According to the laudation given at the award ceremony,
"The involvement of persons with disabilities as instructors in seminars and their professional preparation for this task present a new approach in higher education practice. The programme can be utilised in various ways and adapted in human studies, moreover it can contribute to the sensitisation of students and instructors to the needs of persons with disabilities."
The inclusive seminar is an educational method related to disability studies. This approach breaks with the idea that persons with disabilities should only be a subject for qualified professionals. In inclusive seminars persons with disabilities who are not professional educators (rather, participating co-educators) and non-disabled persons who are professional instructors teach together in an academic setting. So far, based on the feedback from the students, these seminars have been an inspiration, being practice-oriented and supporting the process of professional reflection as well as the students’ choice of specialisation in Special Needs Education.
Congratulations to the award-winning team!