Success for Bárczi in the University Excellence Fund Call

The winning application, titled "Participative Innovation in Interprofessional Higher Education Courses," was submitted by Prof. István Hoffman (ELTE ÁJK). We are delighted to welcome Dr. Lajos Aáry-Tamás, Commissioner for Education Rights, as an active partner.
The aim of the endeavour is to introduce the participative higher education methodology "We Educate Together," which is on ELTE's know-how list, to higher education in the field of law, following the curricula of medical education and theology. From our faculty, Csilla Cserti-Szauer, András Futár, Veronika Kalász, Dr. Anett Maléth, Dr. Anikó Sándor, Nóra Torontáli, Emese Zagyi, and Dr. Lilian Zsigmond are participating in the undertaking.
Eötvös Loránd University established the University Excellence Fund (UEF) in 2022, with the aim of developing the international competitiveness of the university. The fund supports initiatives that enable the university to rise in global and thematic university rankings, besides enhancing the academic embeddedness and reputation of the institution.
We thank the University Excellence Fund Steering Committee for its support. We congratulate the winning application and wish every success in its implementation.